The next news from NGO DEI hinges on your involvement. By participating in the organization's initiatives, campaigns, and events, you can stay up-to-date on its progress and contribute to our goals. Your engagement is critical not only for staying informed but also for supporting the community and
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Jens Galschiøt said he still hopes to get the Pillar of Shame from the University of Hong Kong without taking the matter to court. The sculptor said the university had repeatedly ignored his requests to retrieve the statue.
learn more Jens Galschiøt's Pillar of Shame was controversially removed from Hong Kong University, but the Danish artist presented a replica at DOX.
by Staff 05.06.2022 09:56:00
For a short period of time, a quiet, unassuming block in Prague 7 became a vibrant hub of art and multiculturalism. Part art gallery, part café and part community space, NGO DEI is closing this July. However, this won't dampen director Loretta Lau's spirit to continue building a platform for voices from all over the world, writes RPI's expat contributor Kevin Loo.
By Kevin Loo July 9,2022
Hong Kongers say both communities share a common struggle to defend democracy and freedom in Asia and Europe respectively.
By Allia Bukhari August 12, 2022
Forced out of the city by China's crackdowns, the Hong Kong diaspora fight to save their culture from afar
By PAK YIU, Nikkei staff writer, JUNE 29, 2022 06:00 JST
Každý den přichází ze světa mnoho zpráv, jež nás nutí zamyslet se nad společností, ve které žijeme. Jedním z nejviditelnějších případů posledních let je situace v Hongkongu, sedmimilionové metropoli, kde se mezi obyvateli stále více šíří atmosféra strachu a udavačství, přičemž hranice mezi tímto velkoměstem a pevninskou Čínou se pozvolna rozplývá.
By Jaroslav Drobný, May2, 2022
Ngo Dei znamená v kantonštině, jednom z oficiálních jazyků Hongkongu, my, v psané formě pak i naše země. Slovo odkazuje ke komunitě a pospolitosti. Tento nápis vyrytý do šedé destičky na fasádě pětipodlažního domu láká kolemjdoucí dovnitř malého vnitrobloku stejnojmenné neziskovky.
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